0 Visit tutorial
Session ID
NJMSBB [Make a note of the session ID to retrieve your results later]
Date created
18 May 2020

A, B
Biological Assembly
No biological assembly selected (see Chains above)
Stripped PDB entries
Nothing has been stripped

Source residues
A41, A145
B41, B145
1A Hotspots Visit tutorial
1B Residue Relevance Visit tutorial
1C Scoring your Site of Interest Visit tutorial

This panel allows you to evaluate the significance of the connectivity between your source residues and a previously known site (such as an experimentally determined allosteric site).

Residue numbers
(e.g. 1, 4-8, 12B)
2A Hotspots Visit tutorial
2B Residue Relevance Visit tutorial
2C Random Walk Propagation Visit tutorial
We provide a visualisation of the random walk over the atomistic graph. For every Markov timestep, each node is coloured according to the probability of being reached by the random walker at that timestep. The slider gives you the possibility to explore the signal distribution through your structure.